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If you all don't know already, I hail from Chicago, and I love, love, love the morning crew at WGN. So funny. While perhaps not the most professional of newscasters, they call it like it is, and I appreciate that. Weatherman, Paul Konrad, took issue with 19 year old Bieber needing to be carried and hosted an entire segment, "Get Over Yourself." If that wasn't enough, afterwards, Sports Newscaster, Pat Tomasulo was carried in on the shoulders of production staff. I love the WGN Morning Crew so much.
When Bieber was done being hoisted around by bigger, stronger men, he continued his idiocy by walking and biking around in a Beijing Policeman's hat. Way to go, JB, way to be mature. Time to grow up, dude. This stuff isn't cute anymore.
Check out the WGN video clip here: